It certainly has been a weekend of emotions for me !
I have been, excited, nervous, worried, sad, annoyed, happy, elated,& proud.
DAY ONE : , Morning trial, Kort was awesome, but, on his long sit he laid down to chew his leg as I was walking back toward him!!! Seriously, he couldn't wait 5 more seconds! I thought it was just a fluke, he's never had a problem with stays.(score would have been 190)
Afternoon Trial, he was a good boy, worked well, sat for his stay & got his 1ST CD LEG with a score of 179!! He was also high scoring collie & got a special prize :))
Kort has never liked to sit when I stop, even in rally, we have been struggling with this, so his score does reflect quite a few, "no sits"
DAY TWO:, Morning trial, again, awesome work, but laid down on his long sit. This time I told him he was a naughty boy!, but then I had a meltdown, I cried, I was mad at Kort, but upset at myself for being mad at him! I am grateful for having such great friends. Everyone tried their best to comfort me, but I was questioning myself & whether I was cut out to do dog sports. I take everything so seriously! Amanda had me go walk around until I could bring myself to "talk" to Kort without feeling annoyed. She then went & got him out of his kennel & took him for a walk to visit with people to make him feel better. When I was ready she brought him over to me & I hugged him & told him he really was a good boy.(score would have been 183) Thanks Amanda, I still feel like a bit of a fool for reacting so stupidly!
Anyway, moving on to the Afternoon trial, Kort pulled it all together, sat most of the time, did a perfect recall, chewed on my pant leg on the heel free :)),& stayed for his long sit!!!, even though he shifted onto his hip & I was having heart failure! He passed earning him his 2ND CD LEG!, with a score of 187.5, & a High Score in Novice A !!!! Yeah for Korty!
I am a little worried though about his hips now. Our agility club is bringing in a specialist that does dog evaluations, laser therapy, acupuncture etc. & Kort is going. I will be very interested in what she has to say about him.
We have another trial in 2 weeks in Calgary, with any luck Kort will have his CD before the end of the year.
Kort & I would also like to congratulate all of our friends & their Q's this weekend.
Amanda & Pixel , 2 Novice Q's
Sarah & Kaleb, 1 CDX Q , 3 Rally Excellent Q's & his RE title
Vicky & Claire, 1 Advanced Rally Q
Liz & Lupine, 3 Rally Excellent Q's & her RE title
You all rock!
Last but not least, I would like to thank Dianne ,who owns Kort's litter brother. She came up here from Edmonton for support!! Now how is that for a great friend! We had a blast together & tons of laughs! Someday I will repay the favour & come up to Edmonton to watch Duffy in the obedience ring!