Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kort's Day at the Daycare

I have gotten some extra hours at the daycare, so rather then leave him at home, I have brought Kort for the last 2 days.....he is learning the doggie rules, slowly, but surely!!, & hopefully will learn to pace himself better.....today he ran for 3 hours solid before laying down for a 5 min. break!
Wendy caught him in his brief quiet moment!......
Kort was pretty smitten with Tsuga!!......poor Tsuga!
Couldn't resist adding this one of Duke...he is CRAZY about this ball & often walks around with it on his nose!!......

1 comment:

jurneecollie said...

Too funny! We have the same ball, actually we have 3 of them. Jurnee had his since he was a puppy and to this day is his favorite toy...he walks around the house with it stuck on his long muzzle. LOL