I had previously mentioned that Kort has had 2 episodes, in the past 2 weeks, of yelping in pain, then spinning around, tilting sideways & having his eyes bug out as he was so scared :(
I saw my vet & she found nothing to be wrong except perhaps a mild ear infection, certainly nothing to make him scream out in pain.
I wanted to get more answers so yesterday I made the trip up to Okotoks to see Dr. Catherine Pampiglionie at the Elizabeth St. Pet hospital. She is an animal chiropractor & came highly recommended. She gave Kort a complete exam.
She found his sacrum to be tight, not much movement there. She found 3 discs out of whack at the base of his neck & 3 out at the top of his spine. She adjusted those.
Could this have caused him to have unexpected pain? , she couldn't say for sure.
I have to rest him for 3 weeks & if he screams out again to have his neck xrayed to see if the spacing between his vertebrae have enough cushion between them, or perhaps they are pushing against each other.
Anyway it all just sucks, I have no real answers, I am glad he has been adjusted. I hope that was his problem.
It sucks because he was in a full month of trials & demos & races. Kort loves this stuff, & I love doing it with him, but his health has to come first.
I will make use of the time to do his rear awareness & strengthening exercises.
Poor baby! I hope that fixed it! There's nothing more horrifying than watching your dog be in pain and being unable to do a thing about it :(.
Oh man. I hope that the adjustment helps. How stressful for you.
Poor Kort. I hope he feels better and it's a quick fix. Agility seems like such a hard sport.
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