Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I Finally Started Kort Tracking !!!...And Then I Stopped :(

Well I finally did it, I got Kort tracking , Whoo Hoo !!!! It's only taken me 3 1/2 yrs !!!
Yesterday was the day, after I walked the boys I drove down to the University & laid my tracks. Kort was friggen awesome!! I was so excited to begin with him.....& that has been the last time I went out since.
The night before last I woke up at 3 am feeling really awful, I have a hiatal hernia & I thought that was the problem, I got Brad to get up & get me a Zantac thinking that would take care of things, only it didn't. I am not used to being sick, I never get sick, seriously! So in the morning I did my usual walk & then tracking like I said above. By the time I was finished tracking I was very uncomfortable, whatever this was, it was getting worse. It was so bad that I drove to the Emergency thinking I had appendicitis. 4 hrs later, & in much more pain, the Dr. has the diagnosis of diverticulitis. Super :(
Like I said I don't get sick, but I'll tell you this has seriously knocked me on my ass!! I am on 2500 mg a day of antibiotics & have been downing pain killers every 3 hrs.I have 0 appetite, which I think is great, taking off a few pounds will do me good, I am drinking a TON of water though.
I hope I start to feel better soon, I have no time for this, I want to go tracking !!!!!
I videoed Kort's first track which you can see below, did I mention how excited I am to start him ? LOL!!


Sharrie said...

Just when you got started.......bummer. Hope you are MUCH better SOON! Love the Christmas collie on your blog header.

Dianne SS said...

That's very cool that you and Kort have started tracking. But with the diverticulitis, you really have to get to someone who can really help you detox your body. Antibiotics are only going to mask the problem and it will come back worse and worse. I know--I've been there and in more pain than I thought it was humanly possible to have.

WigglyZack said...

You have been through enough - get well soon

Diana said...

Ugh, thats not good. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Koping Weims said...

Hey good job...sorry now not feeling well...let me know when you are feeling better and we should arrange to get together. I am training Tea for her TDX and Mckeely for her UTD this year so will be practing lots.


Squishy said...

You are the man!!! Or the woman!! You're dying from Diverticulitis and you're tracking WHILE FILMING!!!! Sorry, I could not do that!! I can eat ranch eggs and btw, not completely annihilated. You are my hero!!! Go Kort! I must say the vegetation is very low. And it's WINDY!!!