Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not Fair :(

This morning I got together with some friends to get our dogs out for a run. I almost didn't go as it was early ( for me ) & I like to sleep in on weekends. I pulled myself out of bed however & was so glad I did.
We met up at the dog park with Wendy & Coulee, & Dave, Sarah & Tsuga.
The dogs ran around , barked, chewed sticks & played with mitts. Wendy & Dave took lots of awesome pictures of our kids playing. We finished off our walk with hot chocolate , Bailey's & Dave's awesome shortbread cookies:)
It was perfect, all except for the knowledge that it may be one of Tsuga's last walks. Tsuga has cancer, they found out about 2 weeks ago. It is a good thing dogs don't know these things, but oh so hard on the owners & friends who have known the dogs for years, we love them as well.
It is even harder in this particular case because Dave & Sarah lost their flatcoated retriever to cancer maybe just six months ago. How could this happen to 2 wonderful people & to both of their dogs all within a year? It's just not fair.
However I now have wonderful memories stored away of a happy Tsuga zooming through the snow, with Kort hot on his tail, & not a care in the world.
Give your dogs extra hugs & kisses today, I know I am :)




WigglyZack said...

That is so sad. Glad you have the memories to treasure of your morning walk with Tsuga and your friends both four legged and two legged.

Dianne SS said...

Very sad :(

Squishy said...

That quality that dogs have. Live in the moment. We should all be like dogs. Simple, non-judgemental and always loving and not worrying about the next moment. Thanks for sharing Tsuga's story.

Dave said...

You're making me cry...nice post Jolene and a huge hug & thanks for coming out to meet us.

Tsuga had such a great morning with his wonderful friends from daycare AND their dogs!. He was so amped when he got out of the car!

It really meant a lot to us to see him so happy, you guys don't know just how much that day means to us.

Thanks again,
Dave, Sarah & Tsuga

onecollie said...

Dave , I am so glad that you, Sarah & Tsuga had a great day :) It was alot of fun!
Sorry if I uset you, I didn't even realize you read my blog.
Hope you don't mind that I "stole" a couple pictures for the post :)
All the best...

dave said...

Not a problem, you didn't upset me, you came out and shared a very nice day for us and Tsuga.

You made a sick dog VERY happy, that was something special to us.

Yup, I follow a number of blogs, except that I'm a closet blog reader...



I'm a closet blog reader :)