Friday, December 2, 2011

Tate's Title

I haven't had much to blog about lately but had to post Tate's certificate that came.
His first title with the Agility Association Of Canada, so proud of my Veteran Agility Dog !!


Squishy said...

Congratulations!!!!!! What a nice certifcate!!!

Amanda said...

We got our SGDC certificate in the mail yesterday! Except my mean ol' post man bent it in half putting it in my mail box =(

Go Tater!

onecollie said...

oh I would be sooooo pissed if mine had been bent in half !!! I'd be phoneing the post office

Dianne SS said...

How did I miss this post?????? :( Well, better late than never to congratulate you and Taters!!! Very nice!!!! ♥