Tuesday, July 9, 2013


You all know probably by now how well Kort did on the weekend so I will not bore you with details :)
Instead you can watch tragically long videos of us !!! .........

But first , here is a picture of Kort at our tent.  When I wasn't running him I was volunteering, Kort hates when I leave him, he really really is a mommas boy.  I thought that if he was allowed to just sit free in the tent rather then his expen he would be happier.  I was pole setting in the ring when Amanda calls out to me to look at my tent, this is what I saw! ...apparently he had been just laying there watching me, hahaha!
My friend Vicky took this picture & sent it to me :)

Must watch my momma ! ♥
Now for the videos!......


Unknown said...

Darn, I can not remember which of your boys --but you can really tell he loves weaving! And in every video you always look like a team - a fun one.

Unknown said...

Way to go!!!! You all look great out there together.

Collie222 said...


And his watching you from the tent is just too cute! Love him!

Dianne SS said...

You and Kort look great together--love the videos!! Congrats again!!

Squishy said...

Good job!!! And those weren't tragically long!!!

onecollie said...

good to know Diana!!

Squishy said...

I'm thinking of the 2 videos that come to mind that were tragically long were the wind/fire video and a park/dog walk video (or one of several). But I love you a whole BUNCH that I think I watched both of them from start to finish!!! What would have been more fun is to be there drinking merlot and filming!!

Diana said...

That's such a cute picture of Kort! Lol