Sunday, May 5, 2019

New Title!

Lync and I attended our local trial last weekend entered in Excellent Rally.  We already had 2 legs from last November so were hoping to get our last one.  We did it! Lync passed in both trials on Saturday to earn the title RE and qualified for a bonus leg as well.   Unfortunately there was a blizzard Saturday night so we didn't take the chance on driving on the Sunday.
Lync got all 3 Rally titles in 3 straight trials, what a clever boy! He is now Gr CH Blazingstar Galwey WC CD RE RATI RATN CGN HIC !
Super proud of him !


Fay said...

That's fabulous! You and he are great working can be very proud. Fay, with Tali, Wicca's half brother.


Pawtastic. Keep up the good work.