Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Life has a funny way of deciding what is best for you. You might not see it at first but eventually it becomes clear. 

Take me for instance. My life has been difficult this year for a number of reasons.  For instance my husband is bi polar. This year has been really hard on him. He has been in & out of the hospital 4 times.  The last time did me in. I was mentally exhausted . I found working and worrying about Brad just too much. Something had to give and that something was my job.  My last day of work was June 10. I haven't regretted it for one minute. My stress and anxiety levels have gone down considerably. At this point in my life I can't ever see me going back. It's just what I needed.

I'd also like to address the "anonymous" person that left the hurtful comment on my blog. Shame on you, shame on you for not having the courage to identify yourself. Shame on you for not addressing me in private. Shame on you for not taking the time to find out what was wrong with Brad, or if you knew, not to care that he has a mental illness. Just Shame On You !


Fay said...

Your steadfast followers (like me (and your collie friends), for years, thanks to Amanda and Wicca) will always support you and your decisions! You made a good choice about work. When my husband had a stroke, luckily I was between projects and could take a month off. I could not have handled both. Add Covid and this year has been made even more difficult. Yeah for you, choosing the right path. /Fay, James Bone (Wicca/Tali's cousin), Eowyn (his niece) and our Canadian SPoo.

Helen said...

Why do people do that, if they don't have anything helpful to say why can't they just leave it. Hope the change will go well for you.


Sounds like things are going better for you. If you get a chance look up the poem "The Man in the Glass" by Peter Dale Wimbrow. We think it is appropriate here. We blog for ourselves and not to make others happy.