Friday, September 3, 2010


Yesterday was mom's birthday. My sister in law posted this picture of her that they took last night while out for her birthday dinner. I have not seen my mom look so rested & healthy in a very long time. The past 7 years caring for my dad, plus his recent death, have been hard on her, this picture warms my heart.
love you mom ♥


Paws on the Run said...

You look great Nellie. Happy Belated Birthday.

Dianne SS said...

A lovely picture of your mom!! I have no doubt that the last number of years have been draining and exhausting. I know how tired I feel. So although I'm sure she misses your dad very much,it's good that she is now able to relax and have time for herself. Happy Birthday!!

Squishy said...

I posted last didn't make it!! I love the music! Second song almost sounds like Elvis. T knew who he was. Sweet to have your parents be together that long. I know you miss your dad terribly.