Tonight was our first agility lesson in "The Barn." The drive out there was "interesting " to say the least. I had directions, however it was sooooo dark, I couldn't see anything !! I was just starting to wonder if I was going to end up in Montana when I saw the first sign , whew! Also, it was the first time I have driven my new van in total darkness & I had no idea where the high beams were...kinda important, no?
When I got home I sat in the driveway & looked for them, then practiced turning them on & off so they were familiar for next week .
Kort was awesome tonight. He was super focused & did everything I asked. He barely noticed he was surrounded by horses! He still hates the tunnels, & even with Amanda blocking his path to the frame he tried to sneak past her & run up it instead of taking the tunnel ! We are working on the tunnel being a "happy" place & I reward with tons of treats when he takes it. Most dogs LOVE the tunnel, Tate disliked it also.
We did threadles & serpentines & Kort did super !, my handling was also much better . I sucked at front crosses tonight, but I think it was the dirt, running in it was not so easy! I will improve, my legs just have to get used to running in quick sand LOL!
I am glad it was a good night for us, I lack the motivation to go to agility these days. I keep going because Kort loves it & he is good at it. I am always glad at the end of the night that I went, but I wish I was enjoying it more, any thoughts on this problem of mine ! :))
Sound like you all had a fantastic lesson and everyone did very well!
I guess you might fall in love with agility in no time if you just keep on going... Enjoy it!!!
Glad to hear things are going so well for Kort in agility. He will be a champ in no time!!
I loved it until Pierre died. We used to go every week together. After that and I moved up here I just didn't want to do it anymore. Don't discount grief as part of your lack of passion for it. It could be part of it. It might not seem like it, but losing someone can seep into so many other areas that seem unrelated. It will come back but be kind to yourself and give yourself time.
Or, maybe you just don't like agility as much as you think you should!! Hahaha!! Oxoxoxo!! D
LOL! Diana ♥
Jo, I am in exactly the same boat as you (another weird coincidence LOL). I keep going to agility because Claire loves it. I can't tell you the number of times I've said to myself "this will be our last set of classes as I'm just not enjoying it" and then we go to class and Claire loves it and I actually end up having a good time but then the next class is looming and I contemplate giving it up again LOL.
So although I have no advice to give, I have tons of sympathy :D
exactly Vicky !!!!!
Sounds really good fun - my dog and I do both enjoy agility although he absolutely refuses any tunnels!!
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