Friday, May 6, 2011

Just Stuff

Lots of stuff is happening this month....I'm so tired these days, yesterday I got home from work & fell asleep for 3 hrs, I never do that!!! Then I went to bed at 10 pm, & slept until 9am this morning! Wow!!
Tonight I have Scenthurdle practice, I am looking forward to it because we haven't had a practice for awhile .
Tomorrow am. I am bathing Tate, then meeting my friend Kim for a walk in the Coulees!, Perkins is coming to stay for a week so I'm sure he will also enjoy the walk, stay tuned for cheesy video :)
Sunday I am bathing Kort.
Next Friday is the Medicine Hat trial, Kort will be competing in Open for the first time, & I entered Tate in Novice!! Kort will also be looking for his last Advanced rally leg, & hopefully we will be getting our first Excellent leg as well !!!!
I am a bit nervous, but more excited then nervous, this trial is so great, it is small & quiet, just what I like.
At the end of the month we will be going back to Medicine Hat for an AAC agility trial. I just entered Tate this time around. I won a free trial entry so he is entered in everything ! Amanda is going to run him in snooker though, I don't understand it & I want to watch him in the ring with someone other then me, lots of cheesy video after that weekend!!!
Ok, I'm off to work.....


Dianne SS said...

You need a holiday!! A real holiday!! All the doggy activities are exciting though.

Squishy said...

Life is always interesting for you too!! Even though I LOVE to sleep and do often, what is the saying..."You can sleep when you die"? Good luck with all the trials, the bathing, the walk in the Coulees....funna funna!! I did 6 baths before Washoe and that wipes me out, but always better when it's hot.

I'm sure both Kort and Taters will do great AND I can't wait for the cheesy videos!! Including Perkins!! He's been missing!!

Cynthia said...

Scent Hurdling sounds like fun I'd love to try it!


Have some some reading to do on this blog. I have two collies of my own and they have their own blog. They are my two best chums.