Joanne begins her treatments on Tuesday starting with Chemotherapy. There are 2 types of Chemo, one is Cisplatin & it is milder & you have much less hair loss, the other is stronger, called Carbo/Taxol, & you definitely loose your hair. We don't know which she is getting yet. The results of her PET scan have not come back either, we were really hoping to get them quicker. I am so sad that I am not with her, they took so long to get things going that both myself & our younger sister Debra are at home.( Debra leaves on Monday ) Joanne has my mom but I worry about her, she is taking this hard, she is 80 yrs old & just had a stroke last year. Mom is a miracle herself, she barely has any noticeable signs of her stroke except minor memory loss. Joanne promises to fight as hard as she can & that's all we can hope for. Mom with Joanne & Debra ♥
Well I finally did it, I got Kort tracking , Whoo Hoo !!!! It's only taken me 3 1/2 yrs !!! Yesterday was the day, after I walked the boys I drove down to the University & laid my tracks. Kort was friggen awesome!! I was so excited to begin with him.....& that has been the last time I went out since. The night before last I woke up at 3 am feeling really awful, I have a hiatal hernia & I thought that was the problem, I got Brad to get up & get me a Zantac thinking that would take care of things, only it didn't. I am not used to being sick, I never get sick, seriously! So in the morning I did my usual walk & then tracking like I said above. By the time I was finished tracking I was very uncomfortable, whatever this was, it was getting worse. It was so bad that I drove to the Emergency thinking I had appendicitis. 4 hrs later, & in much more pain, the Dr. has the diagnosis of diverticulitis. Super :( Like I said I don't get sick, but I'll tell you this has seriously knocked me on my ass!! I am on 2500 mg a day of antibiotics & have been downing pain killers every 3 hrs.I have 0 appetite, which I think is great, taking off a few pounds will do me good, I am drinking a TON of water though. I hope I start to feel better soon, I have no time for this, I want to go tracking !!!!! I videoed Kort's first track which you can see below, did I mention how excited I am to start him ? LOL!! Enjoy......
Wendy was at it again, taking awesome pictures of Tate!! He does pretty well when the bratty Kort isn't around pushing him for toys! Here are some of the pictures!!.....
Joanne has been invited to be in a research study to examine the role of a diagnostic test called Positron Emission Tomography, or PET, in patients with cervical cancer, in addition to standard diagnostic tests. A PET test uses F-Fluorodeoxyglucouse (FEG). This is not a new drug, and was reviewed & approved by Health Canada. This drug will be administered intravenously & will travel through Joanne's body allowing the PET scan to pick up any more cancer. UP to 288 people will be taking part in the 5 year study & there are 2 groups. One is Joanne's group which will involve the PET scan, the other group will be having CT scans as well as the normal cancer protocols, but not the PET. The sponsor of the study is the Ontario Clinical Oncology Group. I am glad Joanne got in this group, this PET technology is able to spot very small areas of cancer in their beginning stages, spots that a CT scan or even an MRI might not be able to detect. For Joanne this would mean that if she has cancer in any other areas she can be treated right now before they get any bigger or spread. None of this is "good" news but it is good news as far as Joanne is concerned .
Yeah, I'm finally in Thunder Bay. The trip was interesting , I left Lethbridge at 6 am, I was so tired & I have a problem dozing off, especially with the fact I was driving in darkness I found myself really getting sleepy. When I arrived in Calgary the Deerfoot was so congested, it was a work day after all. I got to the airport ok but missed the parking area & had to go back out & circle back to the parking. When I finally found a spot about 20 minutes later it was a long walk to the terminal. When I got to the terminal it was a long walk to the check in desk. When I got to the check in desk there was a long line up through security. By the time I was through security it was 5 minutes to boarding, yeesh!!!! I had time for a quick bathroom break then boarded. The plane ride was uneventful, thank god!! We had to wait forever in Calgary & Winnipeg for de-icing & they made us change runways 3 times in Winnipeg. The pilot even came on once to ask if we thought he was driving us to Thunder Bay ! I arrived in Thunder Bay an hour late but I'm here & so glad. I have posted pictures of my mom's gorgeous tree & the nativity set they have out, it still doesn't feel like Christmas quite yet, but hopefully soon.
I was feeling pretty good today, but now I just feel sick, nauseated, & full of fear & dread. I can't wait to be home with Joanne. I just want to stay there with her & not have to return, but that is not possible is it :( How can this be happening.
Seriously, this is super long, maybe 10 minutes or so . I took it just because, & so I just had it for myself to look back on one day & see Tate & Kort enjoying themselves :) Watch it if you like ......
The rescue has heard from Woody's new family. He is doing well, his arthritis is a bit worse so they have shortened his walks & that has helped:) Woody is pictured above in his new home beside his brother. Hurray for Woody!!!
Last night my sister Joanne got a call from the cancer clinic, she will start her treatments of both radiation & chemo next week, on Friday she goes in to find out the schedule. My niece Sherri is a nurse & has asked to go with her so she can ask questions, things that Joanne will probably forget to ask. I will be there next week so I can go with her to the treatments & help to take some of the fear away.
Wendy got some more pictures of my boys on our walk yesterday. What would I do without my photographer friends !
This picture made my heart swell, corny I know:) but just the way Tate is looking at me , with my hand on his chin, such a great capture Wendy :) ...... This picture has captured Tate so well, he is a sweet sweet boy ...... I love this shot of Kort...... Bratty Kort Stole Tate's mitt......
This morning I got together with some friends to get our dogs out for a run. I almost didn't go as it was early ( for me ) & I like to sleep in on weekends. I pulled myself out of bed however & was so glad I did. We met up at the dog park with Wendy & Coulee, & Dave, Sarah & Tsuga. The dogs ran around , barked, chewed sticks & played with mitts. Wendy & Dave took lots of awesome pictures of our kids playing. We finished off our walk with hot chocolate , Bailey's & Dave's awesome shortbread cookies:) It was perfect, all except for the knowledge that it may be one of Tsuga's last walks. Tsuga has cancer, they found out about 2 weeks ago. It is a good thing dogs don't know these things, but oh so hard on the owners & friends who have known the dogs for years, we love them as well. It is even harder in this particular case because Dave & Sarah lost their flatcoated retriever to cancer maybe just six months ago. How could this happen to 2 wonderful people & to both of their dogs all within a year? It's just not fair. However I now have wonderful memories stored away of a happy Tsuga zooming through the snow, with Kort hot on his tail, & not a care in the world. Give your dogs extra hugs & kisses today, I know I am :)
I haven't had much to blog about lately but had to post Tate's certificate that came. His first title with the Agility Association Of Canada, so proud of my Veteran Agility Dog !!