Friday, August 31, 2012

Freaky Friday

I have been an uninspired blogger of late, not much of interest going on in my life, or around me, & I like it :)  However it does make for a blog slacker, so I came up with an idea of photographing my oldest childhood toys & trust me, they are old!

*WARNING* some toys may frighten the younger generations!

This is Boomer, not sure how I came up with his name but he has had it forever. My grandma gave me this toy when I was about 4, actually she gave it to my brother, but I claimed it as I was already obsessed about dogs. This was actually a toy of hers, so it has to be well over 50 years old as I have had it for 48.
 I carried him everywhere, slept with him too, when I was 40 I went to my moms to get him, she thought she had thrown him away, OMG!!! did I cry!  I rummaged through all her boxes of stuff she had packed away until I found him ♥
I am not sure if he came to me void of hair, or with just one leg, I do know his nose was ripped off in my care when I tried to feed him :)  

This is my Debra doll, my mom tells me I got her when I was a year old.  I do know I named her Debra after my younger sister.  My sister has naturally curly hair & so did my doll, so that is how she got her name.  My dolls hair isn't curly anymore :(  but I still love my Debra doll ♥

These are my Barbies !! Isn't Ken sexy in his open psychedelic shirt from the 70's ???? He is a dancing Ken, no one seems to remember him, his waist has a swivel & he can swing back & forth hahahahaha!
Barbie is the oldest, I've her her since at least 1966, maybe before. The pink sweater Barbie has on was made by my Grandma who passed away in 1975, I still remember her making it :)
Then there is Skipper, she had cute pig tails but I took them out :)
The skinny little doll is a Dawn doll, popular when I was a kid, I changed her name to Tina :)
Lastly the itty bitty doll in front of Tina is Tracy, had her forever too.

Lastly here is my Barbie case, it has a copyright on it of 1968 so that is about when I got it, there are still clothes for the Barbies inside on their original hangers :) 
Oh & a bonus, I found a pack of Partridge Family collector cards, whoo hoo!!!! maybe I'm rich ! hahahahaha!

Hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane!


manymuddypaws said...

omg so creepy.

Squishy said...

I was thinking of doing a post on old photos from way back......the blog slacking is here also. Gotta say I wasn't a fan of dolls, except Barbie. They FREAK me out!! I just wanted stuffed animal toys and had soooo many. Maybe this is why I didn't have kids.

Dianne SS said...

Love the post Jolene!! I might just be inspired to do a post of my old toys!!


Seems that Dog Dad isn't the only one that collects some strange old stuff.

Dog Dad has a collection of Pearl Beer caps. They used to have puzzles like in the game concentration you had to figure out.

Essex & Sherman