Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tate, reborn

Since Tate was neutered he has been feeling better then he has in years as well as gaining weight finally :)
He stayed with Wendy while Brad & I went to Waterton & as usual she captured the Tate I know & love ♥ thanks Wendy !!!!


Dianne SS said...

Wow!! He looks like a dog half his age--if not younger! How wonderful for him and you!! ♥

onecollie said...

I know, it's just so amazing Dianne, I am so happy!!!!

WigglyZack said...

I am so glad he is doing so well now. He looks so lovely you would think he was just a young dog!!!

Squishy said...

He does look REALLY happy! I am so glad you have your Taters back. It was making me sad too to hear he wasn't feeling good. Now I am happy!!!

Diana said...

Aww, that wonderful!!

Brianne said...

What gorgeous pictures!