Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bubbles Grooming, 1 month

It's been a month now that I have worked at Bubbles.  I am no longer bathing but grooming!  I like it much better .  Some days are great, some days harder then other especially with the number of big dogs that come through the shop!  Most days I am happy to get up and go to work as well!  I am still working every other day which is good.  I do want to go to full time at some point though.  Maybe in September I will .  Karen, my boss, told me I am getting a raise after my probation period is up, yippee!,  Groomers get more money, so hurray for that. 
Who would have thought I would return to grooming after 8 years, but I am glad now that I found the job.  That is another story, how I found this job.

I had been looking for a couple of months, put in a few resumes but nothing ever came of them, joined a job agency that helped people find jobs even.  Anyway, one morning I was on the computer and decided to check out kijji jobs, I never had checked out kijji before but decided to for some reason.  This job was posted in the top 5 on the first page, rather then leave a message I grabbed a resume and went down there to talk with the owner in person.  I am glad how everything fell into place, just looking and being in the right place at the right time, so cool and lucky :)


Kim said...

I'm glad it is working out for you!!

Collie222 said...

That's a really cute name!