The good news is I just hung up my craft project bird feeder, & a bird jumped on it right away to eat! This picture is really bad but take my word for it, that darkish shadow to the right on the feeder is a bird!......

The bad news is in the last 15 min. or so, Kort managed to rub his nose & scrape the scab off that was I'm quite worried about it healing properly......

Poor Kort. That looks very sore. Have you been using anything on it to help it heal?
thanks Kim....he is on antibiotics for infection & I have been putting vitamin E on you have any other suggestions?
Poor Kort! He looks like he wanted a scar just like Mal's.
(Mal's is from getting chomped by a pissy cattledog- it wasn't a serious puncture but Goblin had a piece of spinach on his tooth which got into the wound and... yeah...)
Vitamin E is a miracle, I use it for everything, I hope he als up OK!
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