Saturday, November 12, 2011

Limited Entries

I had never heard of them until I moved to Alberta & started trialing in AAC agility events.
The trials fill up so fast here that the clubs have no choice but to put a limit on them. I know that almost all the clubs are fair in doing their trials this way, however I also know that some clubs play favourites, this is very hard to swallow for me. When I enter a trial I enter with the hope of getting in, I may have budgeted money , or made arrangements at work, or to travel with someone to share expenses. I enter with the hopes that the club will be fair when receiving entries & actually put the people into the trial as the entries come in the mail. I don't like to think that the entries are opened first & their friends are put in before people they don't know.
The other day I got the dreaded email telling me that due to overwhelming response to a particular trial, I did not get in & was on a waiting list. Am I bothered by this, you bet. It won't get me anywhere however, I just have to hope that I am not too far down on the list so I can get in if someone changes their mind & can't go. I wasn't the only one from my group to not get in , I know of 3 others, but the majority did get in.
I think also that it bothered me more as it is my last trial of the year, also I know there are people that entered after the opening day and I am curious to know if they got in.
I don't want comments debating whether my feelings are wrong, they are my feelings & I needed to voice them rather then let them brew inside :)
Fingers crossed I do get in.


Dianne SS said...

I really hope you do get in. And I would feel exactly as you do, if I was in the same situation.

Squishy said...

We have limited entries at some shows, mainly certain collie shows (I think when there are 2 specialties in one day) and there are also limits on the endurance rides. It seems though that most of the time the shows or rides don't make the limit and it's probably due to the crappy economy. But in your case.....I would be very pissed also, if this is true. Good luck. I hope you get in also.

onecollie said...

thanks guys :)
I do question myself though if I was one of the favourites would I be as annoyed???
I do believe in fair play & if I got in "fairly" I would be happy. I just believe everyone should have as equal a chance.

Squishy said...

They must not know how really cool you are. But now that you mention it, I'd have a show and make sure your entry made it!!! Duffusesssssss!!!!!

onecollie said...

I am so totally cool LOL!!
I'm glad you would let me in your trial :)

Cynthia said...

Ugh. We have limited entries too... but usually our trials do not fill. AKC limits agility to 330 runs a day per judge. But it's first-come first-serve, or so they say anyway. :)

Cynthia said...

What is your facebook page? Mine is