Sunday, March 10, 2013

Senior Spa Day

Yesterday I went to Sarah's with Tate.  We came up with the idea of having a Senior Spa day.  Sarah's Flatcoated Retriever Kaleb is turning 11 on March 12 & Sarah is having a Birthday Bash for him today out at Blazingstar.  It is a huge deal to have a senior Flatcoat, their average life expectancy is sadly only about 8  :(
Tate will be 11 on April 11th.

Tate has been having trouble with his front right shoulder on & off for some time now, so while Sarah was giving him a full senior massage ( she is a licensed dog masseuse/practitioner ), I gave Kaleb a bit of a grooming for his big party :)

Poor Tate had quite a bit of soreness in that shoulder & had some very tight muscles from all the compensating.  Sarah got him all worked out though, a few more days of Traumeel & some continued stretches he should be feeling better.

The Handsome Birthday Boy
Super Handsome Seniors ♥


Squishy said...

Cardiff wanted to have babies with Tate......

onecollie said...

can you imagine how awesome they would have been!!


Hmmm, we wonder if we can train Dad to be a Doggie massager.

Dianne SS said...

Tate looks so happy with the massage! Two very handsome, wise, and loving seniors! ♥ I would have wanted one of those Cardiff X Tate puppies!!