My collie Drake passed away in Apr. 2001, I was devastated, I said I was never going to have another dog. Fast forward to the next year, Brad tells me that I need another dog & to write Drake's breeder. I of course said no but Brad insisted I needed a dog! So I wrote Peg of Mariner Collies, I didn't have a computer, really not caring if she had any puppies, Peg wrote back to say that she did have a litter on the way & that they were all spoken for, but if I wanted one she would "bump" someone for me. That's what happens when you are a for sure good home! I got a little excited I have to admit & told Peg that I wanted a sable male. When the litter was born there were only 2 males, both tricolour. I got the message on my phone & immediately burst into tears & said, "well I guess I'm not getting a puppy" I hated tricolour!!! However, my wonderful husband comes into the living room & says, "why can't you get a tricolour now, then in the future our next collie can be a sable ?" How did he get so smart! He knew I needed a dog when even I didn't know, & he knew that I would love a tricolour just as much as a sable ! That is how we got Tate!, Peg picked him for me, she thought his temperament was better suited for what I wanted then his brother. He flew in from Northfield Massachusetts, into Minneapolis, where a friend picked him up for me. Then she drove him the 2 hrs to Duluth where I picked him up & drove him the 4 hrs home. ......he came out of his crate wagging his tail( I have it on tape!!), & he hasn't stopped wagging! He is perfect & I love him to death, oh, now I love tricolour the best!!!
Now for Kort....
I knew I would get another collie when Tate was approx. 5 yrs old. I did not want to go through loosing Tate & being so devastated that I didn't want another dog. I started searching kennels in Canada as Peg was no longer breeding. I had originally contacted a kennel that had similar lines to what I was used to & she was doing a breeding. I sent my deposit but there never was any puppies.....I remembered seeing an ad in one of my collie magazines & I really liked the look of the dogs. I went back, found the magazine & then found the web site on the computer. This was Davenloch. The more I read the more excited I got, the pedigrees of the puppies were almost identical to Tate's. Not only that, but Drake's dad was also in Kort's pedigree. There was a announcement on the web page saying that do to the fact that they had 11 puppies!!!, they now had some available...up until that point the litter had been sold. I got on the computer as quick as I could to see if they still had a male left...yes they did!!! I went up to see the litter at 3 weeks & there was no turning back...I was in love. Brad was right, I had my sable collie too!! Kort was picked for me by Dave, & although he is the brattiest collie I've ever owned, he is also the funniest! He makes me laugh out loud everyday he is such a clown. When he matures he is going to be awesome so look out!
Well there you have it, my story!
I tag Diana of Entais Collies to tell the story of how she got Kaia, or Punky! as Diana calls her, the collie she loves more then life itself.
Great stories and I love the pictures. Diana
thanks Diana!!!, they are both 8 weeks old in the pictures....
Aaaawwwwwhhhhhhh.....I love it!! I can't believe you didn't want a tri-color. If it wasn't for Tate, you wouldn't have noticed Zoe, then you wouldn't have noticed Squishy, then where would we all be??????????
Thank you for sharing. I am working on my story in my mind. Will do after the shows.
You must put up the wagging pictures of Tate...or did I miss them?
no you didn't miss them....I have video tape of the tail!, but I always show his tail wagging in newer videos on my blog...you must have noticed them!
those are great stories jo! baby tate was super cute!
Awwww Lovely stories! I'll have to tell you about Duffy one day--the last kind of collie I wanted was a sable! LOL
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