Today was our Mystery Fun Day...Wendy told us over a month ago she was taking us on a Fun Day Adventure.....nice right?.....well, it just happened to be White Water Rafting! I was a tad nervous, but thought what the heck, an adventure....that was until I fell out of the boat !! Now Amanda says there was no risk of danger or injury but I beg to differ!......When we hit the rapids the raft went down sideways, I was at the bottom side of the raft going down first...the raft kind of bounced & I bounced right out with it !!!!! The water was freezing & knocked the wind out of me for a second, when I popped up I was hanging onto the raft backwards, my hat was falling in my face so I remember flinging it into the boat, I turned myself around to try & grab onto the side of the raft but the current was really strong so it kept pulling my legs underneath....I remember hearing Amanda (the guide) yelling, I've got you....so I knew she had my life jacket, I also remember hearing laughing...lots of laughing!!....guess who??...Amanda!( um, my friend ?? !! ).....she says she feels bad but I don't really think she does LOL!!.... my sandals also came off & my left leg was dragged along some rocks......the girls got me to shore & I was alive! Hallelujah!!.....it was pretty funny I guess. I have some nasty bruises on my leg but I'll live! The guide Amanda rescued one of my sandals floating in the river, & one of the other rafts saw the other one floating down the rapids & rescued it!! Oh, thanks Jenna for holding my hand while I was dangling in the water...even though I don't remember you doing it!!
We also all body surfed down river & through some rapids....some people were impressed that I did it after my "experience". Jenna, who just started working with us, somehow managed to miss the rapids on her turn...she was totally bummed!, then Wendy cliff dived off a 40ft cliff.....she's crazy!!....but brave....she did awesome!
Later Wendy had us all over for a barbecue & it was the perfect end to our day.....my friends rock!
We do have some pictures of our adventure that I will post when I get them...for now you can enjoy these random white water rafting shots!

Wow! You do have adventures! LOL Glad you re OK though and had a good time. What river were you on?
Oh my Gosh!!! That sounds sooooo scary!!! You are brave to have gone in the first place! I'm glad you didn't die because what would happen to your blog??? We have white river rafting in MY AREA!!! You can come here to do it also!! Good friend Amanda! Laughing.....good thing there was food afterwards!
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