Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ask And You Shall Receive !

So Diana wanted to see the boys in their booties, as well as me in my winter attire :)) Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the video stopped before you got to see all of me :))
So, here are the not so exciting videos, Enjoy !


WigglyZack said...

Great videos Jolene. Zack heard your voice on the computer and started watching too and cocking his head --- he must know your voice from daycare it was so funny. We've met those scotties too and they attack each other when we walk by - they are a crazy pair.

Kim said...

"Ungodly hour of 8am" - Jo, you're funny. That cracked me up.

I have also have had the occasion of passing the Scotties on a walk. Yup - crazy!!!!

manymuddypaws said...

my favorite part was "there is a tree, it has snow on it."

i almost pee'd myself.

nice videos jo.

maybe I should video one of my walks....

Squishy said...

Ok I was laughing so hard!! 8:00 am IS an "ungodly hour"! I can't believe you were up that EARLY in that snow!!!! I was certainly SLEEPING!!! I noticed you conveniently moved the camera away in the first video when Taters was going to take a doo doo!!! What's up with that??? Is that like not showing Kort licking his um, you know! And, I loved the thingy thing that Kort was checking out!! I feel like I was right there with you all!! I can't wait to visit but I think summer might be less stressful! I don't have clothes like you do! Thanks for making them JUST for ME!!!!! I feel SOOOO SPECIAL!!!!! Oxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!!!!!!!!!!

Squishy said...

Well, actually I suspect he was going to LEAVE a doo doo!! Can you imagine them coming home with every else's doo doo????

onecollie said...

yes Diana he was going to doo doo, I had hoped I was quick enough that no one would notice LOL! I am glad you enjoyed your video ♥

I did not realize that the Scotties were so well know ! they are crazy & yes Lisa they do attack each other ! The dad said once, "why are you barking, those are your cousins!! "

Amanda & Kim it was an ungodly hour ! I don't usually get up before 9 :))

Dianne SS said...

Love these videos!! What I wouldn't give to have an area like that to walk Duffy in!!!I have to watch for traffic everywhere, climb over windrows of snow, and cross slippery streets. This morning a little blue car came racing down the street by the cemetary like he was at the Indy. I always pull Duffy over when vehicles are coming, and as he roared by he waved! A$$!!

I could tell Tate was going to do some business!! Funny to see you and the boys driven out of the park by a couple of Scotties!!!

onecollie said...

see Dianne, you need to move to Lethbridge!!

Those Scotties are crazy!!, like Lisa said they even attack each other they are so bad, plus with my reactive Kort is much easier to avoid them then deal with them LOL!

Donna Brinkworth said...

I loved watching these, ta! (Irish for thanks, LOL)