Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hey Amanda!!

Kort can weave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Squishy said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squishy came racing into the living room to listen to you!!!!!! Yeah Kort!!!!

onecollie said...

awww, hi Squishy !!! :)
He probably heard Woody barking in the house :)

Dianne SS said...

Way to go Korty!!!!Maybe Woody wants to do weaves??? How's the old boy doing? How are you doing with 3 collies??? :)

onecollie said...

He is doing pretty good all things considered.
3 dogs is pretty much the same as two !

Squishy said...

3 collies are the same as 6. Unless you have a vizsla. Then 1 is like having 14.