Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tater Tuesday :)

Finally in 2010 Tate became a registered Therapy Dog with St John Ambulance! I say finally because it was something I knew Tate would excel in, he has a rock solid temperament & loves people, but up until 2010 there was no program available where I lived, so when it became available I jumped at the chance. Tate is still working at 2 locations here in Lethbridge with the elderly , as well as Dementia patients. I think this year I will certify him for working with children as well :)
How I LOVE him ♥

In 2010 Tate entered the water for the very first time!!! My first collie Ben loved the water, as does Kort. Tate & Drake never ever would let a toe touch the water, must be something to do with being bred by Mariner Kennels LOL!
It was smoking hot this day, all the dogs were in the water, then Tate decided maybe he needed to cool off, it was so fun to watch, & Wendy got some great pictures!......

In November of 2009 I entered Tate in Specials here in Lethbridge. I had Kort entered as well, so Wendy offered to show Tate for me. Wendy had NEVER been in the ring before & she did a fantastic job with Tate. They both had a great time !......


Dianne SS said...

I love Tate!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ He's such a very special and wonderful dog.

WigglyZack said...

I can see Tate as a wonderful therapy dog. I true gem.

WigglyZack said...

That supposed to be A true gem LOL (can't type)

Squishy said...

Love him. I bet he's a great therapy dog and why so long to go in the water? He is the handsomest collie!!

onecollie said...

Diana , he just did not care too, he is kind of prissy that way, didn't want to get his toes wet :) Now hes all brave :)