Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Super Models

I LOVE getting pictures of Tate & Kort.
I am so lucky to have extremely talented friends that take awesome photos for me every time we get together.  Both my dogs are very photogenic, Kort is amazing & hardly ever takes a bad picture, Tate sometimes takes a bit of coaxing  to put his ears up, & get a proper expression , but when he feels in the mood he is awesome too:)

Amanda got some wonderful pictures on our walk yesterday, I had some fun & put some of my favourites in a collage of the boys.



Those are some pawsome pawtographs. We loved how Kort and Tate look.

Essex & Sherman

Squishy said...

The one with the toy in Kort's mouth and him sprinting across the snow is very cool! Love these!

Dianne SS said...

I've said it before and I'll say again--you are sooo lucky to have friends who take such great photos of your dogs!! And of course your dogs are great subjects!

WigglyZack said...

Stunning - that's all I can say :)