Friday, August 29, 2008

Kort's Day Out!

Today was a big day for was his first official walk with Tate & I. It was so fun to watch the experience through his eyes...everything & every smell was new. He heard dogs barking in yards, kids laughing in the playground, & saw cars zipping by. The ground smelled so new & exciting, so many things to do!! He took it all in stride because big brother was there, Tate of course had his, oh no, he's not walking with us , is he? look! The hardest part for me was juggling 2 flexi leads, & then having to pick up after Tate. But just as I had expected, I loved every minute of having 2 beautiful collies to walk with!
This is Kort after we got home, he jumped straight in his pool, cooled off & fell fast asleep!
This is Tate when we got back sleeping downstairs...after I snapped the first picture, he looked up at me & I know he was thinking "what do you want now?, haven't you ruined my day already!!!" Nice ears Tate!


Paws on the Run said...

I'm glad Kort had so much fun.

Sarah said...

awww, sounds fun, it will making going for walks much more fun now!!!!

now you'll get asked if Tate is Korts mom ...

... I got asked once if Kaleb's was Gyp's mom ....

I also get asked if I am the dog walker, not many people walk three dogs at one, I always reply with, yes technically I am.

Paws on the Run said...

that's great that the boys got to go for walk together! make sure to still let them have seperate walks too though!

amanda (not wendy)