Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Tater Dog

I miss Tate !! Don't worry, he hasn't passed away or anything!!!, he just doesn't come around me much any more!! We have a finished basement & he has adopted it as his now that Kort is here! Kort is always in his face, & even though I try to stop it, it has to be Tate that does, or Kort won't take it seriously. But, alas, Tate will not. Kort gets his last booster shot this week so I will be able to take Kort out walking too, hopefully that will help. The problem is, that because Tate is constantly "gone", Kort gets so excited when he does show up! Hopefully the walking together will make Kort more used to seeing Tate & he won't bug him quite so much when he does see him.
Tate did come upstairs for 5 min this morning! I was so excited! At least there is also a bedroom downstairs & Tate is quite comfy on the bed, all by himself!
I've been scanning more old pictures & I came across this one of Tate, it was taken on Oct 8 2002 when Tate was 6 months old! As you can see by the second picture, taken just a few weeks ago, Tate still has his squeaky dumbell(minus the squeak)....he is so gentle with his toys, they last & last!

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