I had posted earlier how much trouble I was having figuring out what would work with Kort and his various "triggers" that would set him off. Even though he is a smaller collie then Tate he could pull me off my feet trying to go investigate something. It has been a year of trying everything and the successful product is the Halti!! Go figure that something so simple could be the answer to all my prayers. I have also been following the Control Unleashed book, & that with the Halti is magic. I can hardly wait to go out and walk with Tate and Kort, and the best thing is I don't have to walk them separately anymore.
I can also use different situations to my advantage for training now, as I finally can get Kort under control and focused on me. It will only get better from here...yahoo!

Yay! I'm so glad you are enjoying your walks again.
Wow what happened to Kort's ears??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's wonderful that the Halti has worked so well with Kort. I'd like to find someone who would take on Duffy and try to get that on him!
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