Monday, December 21, 2015

End of a Chapter

The beautiful weathered door to my moms house
Today my moms house gets a new family.  I have only ever known this house.  It has been in the family well before I was ever born, my Baba bought it, then my Uncle John took it over, then my mom.  We did think of keeping it in the family but it just wasn't meant to be.  If I was still in Thunder Bay I would have taken it over, but I cant keep wishing for things that can never happen.
I am so sad but at the same time glad it is going to be over soon.  It has been such a long 6 months for my sister in law Wendy , brother Brian and sister Joanne.  They have been working so hard to clean out the house and prepare it for sale.  I have the easy job even though my heart has been with my family as they went through the hard job of cleaning out the house.  Even Debra drove down and helped do some of the cleaning out.
Sometimes I think I will scream it hurts so bad. I know my mom would be proud of us all for doing what we thought was the best for us all, and as promised mom we have gone through the entire process without an argument.  This is one thing my mom made us promise before she passed away, that we would all get along and have no petty fights like so many families do under the pressure of losing a loved one.
Rest in peace mom, we are going to be just fine xoxo 

Moms pink house, her favourite colour

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