She has the most amazing working Bouvier, Alkemi, & competes in Shutzhund with her.
I learned quite a bit today about my training & myself. I have moved forward too quickly on some very important things, & now with the prospect of competing in Open it is coming back to bite me in the butt!
Things like focus, I do not have his full attention, he is easily distracted.
I am a Pez Dispenser LOL!!!, yes it is true, I feed my dog non stop, even for a mediocre performance at times, I do this just because "he tried". Well now I must up the anty, no more rewarding for mediocre, I must expect more to get more. Of course I need to take a few steps back & fix some of my boo boos so he understands what it is I expect from him :))
Even something like playing needs to be one of the most important things to build a solid foundation with your dog.
I need to hide all the toys in the house, right now he gets to self reward himself any time he pleases, toys have no value. I need to be the reward, me & a toy. The toys will come back eventually, maybe, but for now he needs to work for his rewards.
This also goes for food, I can make him work for his dinner, a few sits, focus work, anything so he is not just getting his paycheck without the work so to speak LOL!
At any rate I am super excited to begin again, bonding with Kort & fixing some things that need to be fixed.
Kort is an awesome dog, & he will only get better from here!
Thanks for these pictures from today Amanda , you rock!
Here I'm taking notes, like a good student :)).....
Kort & I getting ready to heel......
Carolyn gets down on the floor to do some real tugging :))......
Kort & I practise " Making Prey " as Carolyn puts it :))......
My Kort, Beauty & Brains :))......
Oh o.....poor toys......does Tate get some in a secret place???????? You would love to train Cardiff. She is the tugging~playing with toys collie of all time.
The seminar sounds GREAT!!! And you are a very good student!!! I bet you are chompin' at the bit to make your changes. Can't wait to hear how Kort does!
LOL!, Tate will always have access to his toy "clammy" !!!
Thank God. I thought it was going to be like the Sahara Desert there with no toys.......
Laughed at the Pez dispenser comparison!!!!!! Sounds like a good seminar. And I know you will do very well employing the things you learned!! Kort is sooo handsome!!!!
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