Thursday, July 10, 2008

Photo Shoot

I sure love having a talented photographer at my finger tips!! Wendy came by on Tues. night & took approx. 180 pictures of Tate & Kort!!
These are a few.....
I like these pictures of Tate & Kort as they look like they are playing together.....but actually Tate is running for the toy, & Kort is chasing him...I know they will play together someday, just not right now!

Tate & I steal a quiet moment.......Tate, before "hair & makeup" !!.....

Tate, after "hair & makeup" !!.....
Kort poses for Wendy.....
Wendy told me my favourite picture would be the one with the piece of grass hanging out of Kort's mouth, she was right!!


Paws on the Run said...

It looks like Tate needs a back adjustment in his "pre-hair and make-up" pose. :)

We should see if we can photoshop that grass out of his mouth.

onecollie said...

oh no....I like the picture because the grass is hanging from his mouth!!