Thursday, October 16, 2008

Guess This Sound!

Crunch, crunch crunch, crackle, crunch,crackle crackle, naw, crackle, naw, crackle, crunch, naw, naw, crackle!! Annoying to read isn't it! Now imagine this noise at 6:30 am....
what was the noise?? Kort, chewing on a plastic water bottle I had given him to play with the night before, yup.....
I should add, he doesn't actually "eat" the bottle...he just likes to play with it & make ALOT of noise!! How can something so darn cute, be so darn bad!!


miradukesadie said...

Oh Jolene - those little bits of plastic can be razor sharp and cause tares in his intestine! Trust me - with the horrible dogs who eat everything! He is super cute though!!!

onecollie said...

he doesn't actually eat the plastic, he just crunches it & makes alot of noise.....thanks for caring!!!

jurneecollie said...

too we were just telling you about Faith being up early. 6:30 sounds like heaven, 5:30am with Faith is a bid early...Jurnee & Tyme (the cat) is still snuggled and snoring away...LOL

manymuddypaws said... pity from the girl who thinks crates are great for immature puppies! :o) (haha)

onecollie said...

I know, but he doesn't pee on the floor anymore!!

manymuddypaws said...

Marlin often gets up after getting into bed at night to take away some annoying chewy as Lacey never wants to stop. But nothing as loud as a water bottle. I'll have to give her one tonight to see how he reacts to that! ;)

Anonymous said...

*snicker* it MUST be a collie thing. :P It's a nice change from corgis (who destroy their chews) to collies who just like the plastic bottles to go crunch-crunch-crackle. :P

I think collies are cute so we don't hang them up by their pointy little ears when they make noises like that at 4AM.

onecollie said...

oh definately have a little devil in you!!, let me know if you do it..LOL!!